Access Bars

Access Bars® is a straightforward and non-invasive energy technique. During a session, the practitioner lightly touches specific points on your head to release energy. This process, known as having your Bars run, often leaves you with a profound sense of peace, space, and an expanded feeling of possibilities. Beyond offering a deep sense of relaxation akin to restful sleep, it has the potential to bring transformative change to your life.

Numerous individuals have reported improved sleep quality as a result of Access Bars®. Some even find themselves falling asleep effortlessly, even in noisy surroundings. People’s experiences during a session can vary widely, ranging from the emergence of mental images to physical sensations like buzzing, pinching, heat, twitching, or trembling. Every person’s encounter is unique, so there is no standard “normal” for an Access Bars® session.

Access Bars® involve 32 points on your head that, when gently touched, work to effortlessly release thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations that might be hindering you from creating a fulfilling life.

Presently, Access Bars® is practiced in over 170 countries globally, proving to be a powerful and practical tool embraced by diverse sectors, including families, schools, businesses, sports athletes, prison departments, psychologists, artists, and more.

It’s important to note that there is no right or wrong way to experience Access Bars®. The most effective way to truly understand the benefits of an Access Bars session is to give it a try yourself.

Are you interested in exploring a potential avenue for personal improvement?

The benefits of having your Bars run include:

  1. Easing tension in both the mind and body.
  2. Cultivating a lasting sense of peace and well-being.
  3. Simultaneously inducing relaxation and invigoration.
  4. Quieting the distracting mental chatter that often arises during high-pressure situations.
  5. Releasing blocks caused by pent-up anger, frustration, and exhaustion, which can become locked in the body.
  6. Enhancing interpersonal relationships by fostering an atmosphere of acceptance for oneself and others.
  7. Demonstrating a noticeable positive impact on children’s academic performance when administered before exams.
  8. Among pregnant women, contributing to shorter labor durations and a smoother birthing process when Bars are run regularly.
  9. Aiding in achieving more sound and restful sleep.

Are you curious about experiencing these potential benefits through an Access Bars session?